Trees on the Estate – essential information for residents
Below is a summary of our detailed document – go here for the full version.
The Calthorpe Estate is renowned for its trees and its policy of not losing them unless absolutely necessary. Visitors to Edgbaston constantly admire the tree lined roads and gardens. However, the Estates’s trees cannot be taken for granted and do need attention from time to time. Part of sustaining the trees on the Estate means that there are responsibilities for residents including, where appropriate, obtaining permission for carrying out work on any tree. The following information is relevant for CE residents:
- Trees on private land are the responsibility of the land owner. Legal action can be taken to ensure that unsafe trees on private land are made safe. It is normally the responsibility of the owner to pay for the necessary work. Birmingham City Council has information on its website:
- Before any work is carried out on a tree, it is possible to check that there is no tree preservation order (TPO) – see which has a map showing trees with a TPO and their locations.
- There are special provisions for trees in Conservation Areas – see Edgbaston Conservation Area link is
- Before any work is carried out, Calthorpe Estate, via Mainstay, require notification of work on trees (except fruit trees). The guidelines are on the Scheme of Management; Trees S24 and 25 make clear the responsibility of a resident for tree(s) on their land.
- On private roads, developments that pay a Service Charge, Calthorpe Estate’s tree consultant, Treeworks Environmental Practice, Bristol, maintains a computer-based map and inventory of the trees. It does not include trees on private land. Maintenance of the trees is paid for via the service charge.
- The High Hedges legislation can require that a hedge of two or more trees or shrubs can require them to be limited to 2 metres high.
- If leaves fall on your property, it is your responsibility to clear them even if the leaves do not come from a tree on your property.
You may be interested in the BBC Countryfile Plant Britain project which is ongoing. Go here for details.