
Traffic and Parking Policies

Our Traffic & Parking Policies are:

  • To demonstrate a positive attitude to improving the built environment of the Edgbaston area and the Calthorpe Estate, in particular.

  • To work in consultation with and with consideration for other groups and activities in the Edgbaston area, so that we achieve effective solutions for all and do not simply solve our problems by pushing them onto others.

  • To seek involvement in the planning of major new developments, including road building, park and ride facilities, cycleways, commercial, schools, University, hospital and science parks, to ensure that full consideration is given to the impact of these developments on residents and the environment.
  • To review all planning applications to assess any impact on traffic and parking, especially safety.

  • To question and seek improvements to any proposals that are likely to add to traffic, parking and safety problems.

  • Where necessary, to raise formal objections and initiate campaigns to oppose and prevent developments which are unsatisfactory.

  • To campaign with Local Councillors and Birmingham City Council for transport and road layout improvements which will improve road safety, reduce pollution and reduce the impact of commuter traffic and parking in the area.
  • To investigate Traffic & Parking ‘Best Practice’ elsewhere and seek to have good ideas incorporated into plans for this area.
  • To work with other stakeholders to foster sustainable travel including walking, cycling and public transport.