Traffic Incident Reporting

CRS wishes to build a database of traffic incidents on the Estate, so that particular ‘hotspots’ or areas of concern may be identified. To do this, we need your help!
Please complete the form below. If you have images of incidents, please email these to us.
We need your personal details in order to communicate with you. They represent our legitimate interest under GDPR

This will be our main means of communication with you.
It would be helpful to have this in case we need to check any details with you. Enter ‘n/a’ if you prefer not to give us a telephone number.
Optional. If you are a CRS member or es-member (indicate below), we will have your details on our database.
Time you observed it or think it happened.
Please give street names, postcode, latitude & longitude from Google maps etc
Please give full details of what may have happened, vehicles involved, presence of emergency services, possible injuries, whether this was at a known accident hotspot, consequences, eg traffic hold-ups
If yes, please email them to
Indicate if you require a formal reply. If ‘Yes’ we will send you an email