Online survey

Draft Online Survey for Committee review not live for members

Please select from the list
House No. , Flat No., Apartment block name etc
Street, Road
eg Edgbaston, Quinton
Enter a whole number of years
If you have to pay for road repairs, lighting, grounds maintenance etc, the answer is ‘Yes’
Please select one option
Please select one option
Include AGMs, special forums, social events
You are limited to 100 words – you may add more text in the final comments field
You are limited to 100 words – you may add more text in the final comments field
You are limited to 100 words – you may add more text in the final comments field
You are limited to 100 words – you may add more text in the final comments field
You are limited to 100 words – you may add more text in the final comments field
You are limited to 100 words – you may add more text in the final comments field
Please add any further comments you wish to make about Calthorpe Residents Society, Calthorpe Estates and your Managing Agent. You re limited to 200 words. If you have no further comments, just enter ‘n/a’.