Online survey

This survey is designed to gather residents’ views of CRS and how CRS might increase its membership and improve its service to residents. It should take about 10 minutes to complete. We are grateful for your time in completing this survey.

Please select from the list
Please select one option
Please enter a whole number of years
If ‘yes’, please describe in the field below
eg AGM, special forum, social event
If you answered ‘Yes’, please describe in the field below.
Please give the details and indicate if the advice given was helpful. You are limited to 200 words.
You are limited to 100 words – you may add more text in the final comments field
You are limited to 100 words – you may add more text in the final comments field
Please give us your recommendations for how CRS might increase its membership. You are limited to 100 words.
Please give us your recommendations for how CRS might improve its service for residents. You are limited to 100 words.
Please add any further comments you wish to make about CRS. You are limited to 200 words.