COVID-19 Advice
We encourage all members to follow Government advice and NHS advice. Please stay safe!
Government Roadmap website for further details.
[03.02.21] Here is a YouTube video from the West Midlands Lieutenancy encouraging everyone to have their COVID-19 vaccination.
[20.11.20] A message from Cllr Pauline Hamilton.
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to enlist your help in attracting new COVID Community Champions.
As you may have heard, Birmingham City Council launched the COVID Community Champion network in September as a way of sharing the most up-to-date Public Health guidance across the city. It is important to make sure our communities are able to access important information on the coronavirus and how they can protect themselves, their families and friends.
Through local knowledge, and by being part of the affected communities, our Champions can help us access areas and groups of citizens which are difficult to reach by wider campaigns.
428 Champions have signed up so far and the results have been encouraging, with regular updates, webinars and social media interaction forming part of a growing conversation in helping to keep out people and our city safe.
However, there are still a number of wards in which uptake could be improved, and that is why we are asking for your help. If you know of any individuals who would be enthusiastic about becoming a COVID Community Champion, and supporting their communities, please share this link, which contains full instructions on how to join.
Thank you for your support.
With warm wishes
Cabinet member for Adult Social Care and Health, Chair Birmingham Health and Wellbeing Board
[03.07.20] Birmingham City Council has just launched its COVID-19 Outbreak Plan pdf 1.8MB.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 virus crisis, we are postponing all forthcoming events.
Several local community groups are being set up to help the elderly and vulnerable with their basic needs if they have to isolate for long periods. We trust that those that are fit and able will contribute to these initiatives.
Birmingham City Council is working with Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (BVSC) to create a co-ordinated community response. Go here for further details.
Your COVID vaccination experience
[01.02.21] Just had my first (Oxford AZ) vaccination at the 7th Day Adventist Church in Harborne. This was much busier than I had anticipated with 30+ people queueing in two lines in a marquee and out towards the main road, but it was very well-organised and the car park marshals, helpers and vaccinators were all excellent. I probably had to queue for about 20 minutes altogether but I didn’t mind that. It seemed to me that the rate of arrivals was about the same as the rate of vaccinations, so maybe the queue had built up because of people coming early? My second vaccination is in April, so I’m still going to be very careful until then and probably for some time after! (JM)
[30.01.21] With the University Medical Practice. Received call on mobile 06:01:21, appointment for 1st jab, next day in Harborne. Cold and snow – but excellent reception and brilliantly organised, no waiting and full PPR/distancing. Waiting for date for 2nd jab. Noted that friends who are just receiving their 1st jab already have received their 2nd jab appointment dates. (JH)
[10.01.21] Last Thursday afternoon I was delighted to receive my invitation to have my first COVID jab. No time to waste, I was booked in with my wife for the following afternoon at the Harborne Medical Centre. Arriving at the appointed five minutes beforehand and with plenty of parking space, a short questionnaire to complete and then into the surgery. Helpful assistants and into the vaccination room within five minutes. Jab with little pain, 15 minutes distanced waiting to see if any after-effects then away. Conclusion – 10 out of 10. Well organised, well distanced and very quick. (PA)
Your Lockdown Stories
We would love to hear your stories about how you are coping with the COVID-19 lockdown. Please use the Contact form to send us a few paragraphs. If you have accompanying images, please indicate this in your message and we will email you with instructions for how to submit them.
[Story 002]
Just to let residents know that Edgbaston Croquet Club in Richmond Hill Road is now open for play (although our club house is still closed). We have three superb international size lawns (each one the size of two tennis courts) and our sport is particularly suited to social distancing. At present we are limiting games to singles only, which effectively means each player has an area the size of a tennis court to him or herself! When we are able to properly open we will be delighted to welcome visitors and hopefully new players. Esther. 31.05.20
[Story 001]
I’ve been quite busy, digitising my entire negative & slide collection, getting my guitar out (not played for quite a while), re-learning my 1967 Grade VIII piano pieces, working remotely by recording parts with my Saxophone Quartet and finally getting to grips with creating tracks in GarageBand using my FP4 stage piano as a MIDI controller! Keeps the brain active! Jonathan. 27.04.20